
Get Started!

Check out code from the birdy GitHub repo and start the installation:

$ git clone
$ cd birdy
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ python develop

Install additional dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

When you’re done making changes, check that your changes pass flake8 and the tests:

 $ flake8
 $ pytest

Or use the Makefile::

  $ make lint
  $ make test
  $ make test-all

Write Documentation

You can find the documentation in the docs/source folder. To generate the Sphinx documentation locally you can use the Makefile:

$ make docs

Bump a new version

Make a new version of Birdy in the following steps:

  • Make sure everything is commit to GitHub.

  • Update CHANGES.rst with the next version.

  • Dry Run: bumpversion --dry-run --verbose --new-version 0.3.1 patch

  • Do it: bumpversion --new-version 0.3.1 patch

  • … or: bumpversion --new-version 0.4.0 minor

  • Push it: git push --tags

See the bumpversion documentation for details.