birdy.cli package

Birdy CLI module

Birdy has a command line interface to interact with a Web Processing Service.


Here is an example with Emu WPS service:

$ birdy -h
$ birdy hello -h
$ birdy hello --name stranger
'Hello Stranger'

Configure WPS service URL

By default Birdy talks to a WPS service on URL http://localhost:5000/wps. You can change this URL by setting the enivronment variable WPS_SERVICE:

$ export WPS_SERVICE=http://localhost:5000/wps

Configure SSL verification for HTTPS

In case you have a WPS serive using HTTPS with a self-signed certificate you need to configure the environment variable WPS_SSL_VERIFY:

# deactivate SSL server validation for a self-signed certificate.
$ export WPS_SSL_VERIFY=false

You can also set the path of the service certificate. Read the requests documentation.

Use an OAuth2 access token

If the WPS service is secured by an OAuth2 access tokens then you can provide an access token with the --token option:

$ birdy --token abc123 hello --name stranger

Use client certificate to access WPS service

If the WPS service is secured by x509 certificates you can add a certificate with the --cert option to a request:

# run hello with certificate
$ birdy --cert cert.pem hello --name stranger

Using the output_formats option for a process

Each process also has a default option named output_formats. It can be used to override a process’ output format’s default values.

This option takes three parameters;

The format identifier: the name given to it

The as reference parameter: if the output is returned as a link of not. Can be True, False, or None (which uses the process’ default value)

The MIME type: of which MIME type is the output. Unless the process has multiple supported mime types, this can be left to None.

Looking at the emu process output_formats, the JSON output’s default’s the as reference parameter to False and returns the content directly:

$ birdy output_formats
  json=['{"testing": [1, 2]}']

We can then use the output_formats option to redefine it:

$ birdy output_formats --output_formats json True None
