Source code for birdy.utils

# noqa: D100

import base64
import collections
import keyword
import re
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse

# These mimetypes will be encoded in base64 when embedded in requests.
# I'm sure there is a more elegant solution than this... ?
    "image/tiff; subtype=geotiff",
    "image/tiff; application=geotiff",

XML_MIMETYPES = ["application/xml", "application/gml+xml", "text/xml"]


[docs] def fix_url(url): """If url is a local path, add a file:// scheme.""" return urlparse(url, scheme="file").geturl()
[docs] def is_url(url): """Return whether value is a valid URL.""" if url is None: return False parsed_url = urlparse(url) if not parsed_url.scheme: return False else: return True
[docs] def is_opendap_url(url): """Check if a provided url is an OpenDAP url. The DAP Standard specifies that a specific tag must be included in the Content-Description header of every request. This tag is one of: "dods-dds" | "dods-das" | "dods-data" | "dods-error" So we can check if the header starts with `dods`. Note that this might not work with every DAP server implementation. """ import requests from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, InvalidSchema, MissingSchema try: content_description = requests.head(url, timeout=5).headers.get( "Content-Description" ) except (ConnectionError, MissingSchema, InvalidSchema): return False if content_description: return content_description.lower().startswith("dods") else: return False
[docs] def is_file(path): """Return True if `path` is a valid file.""" if not path: ok = False elif isinstance(path, Path): p = path else: p = Path(path[:255]) try: ok = p.is_file() except Exception: ok = False return ok
[docs] def sanitize(name): """Lower-case name and replace all non-ascii chars by `_`. If name is a Python keyword (like `return`) then add a trailing `_`. """ new_name = re.sub(r"\W|^(?=\d)", "_", name.lower()) if keyword.iskeyword(new_name): new_name = new_name + "_" return new_name
[docs] def delist(data): """If data is a sequence with a single element, returns this element, otherwise return the sequence.""" if ( isinstance(data, and not isinstance(data, str) and len(data) == 1 ): return data[0] return data
[docs] def embed(value, mimetype=None, encoding=None): """Return the content of the file, either as a string or base64 bytes. Returns ------- str encoded content string and actual encoding """ if hasattr( value, "read" ): # File-like, we don't know if it's open in bytes or string. content = else: if isinstance(value, Path): path = str(value) else: u = urlparse(value) path = u.path if is_file(path): mode = "rb" if mimetype in BINARY_MIMETYPES else "r" with open(path, mode) as fp: content = else: content = value return _encode(content, mimetype, encoding)
[docs] def _encode(content, mimetype, encoding): """Encode in base64 if mimetype is a binary type.""" if mimetype in BINARY_MIMETYPES: # An error here might be due to a bad file path. Check that the file exists. return base64.b64encode(content), "base64" else: if encoding is None: encoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING if isinstance(content, bytes): return content.decode(encoding), encoding else: return content, encoding
# Do we need to escape content that is not HTML safe ? # return u'<![CDATA[{}]]>'.format(content)
[docs] def guess_type(url, supported): """Guess the mime type of the file link. If the mimetype is not recognized, default to the first supported value. Parameters ---------- url : str, Path Path or URL to file. supported : list, tuple Supported mimetypes. Returns ------- mimetype, encoding """ import mimetypes try: mime, enc = mimetypes.guess_type(str(url), strict=False) except TypeError: mime, enc = None, None # Special cases # ------------- # netCDF if ( mime == "application/x-netcdf" and "dodsC" in str(url) and "application/x-ogc-dods" in supported ): mime = "application/x-ogc-dods" # ZIP zips = ["application/zip", "application/x-zipped-shp"] if mime not in supported: if mime in zips and set(zips).intersection(supported): mime = set(zips).intersection(supported).pop() # GeoJSON if mime == "application/json" and "application/geo+json" in supported: mime = "application/geo+json" # FIXME: Verify whether this code is needed. Remove if not. # # GeoTIFF (workaround since this mimetype isn't correctly understoud) # if mime == "image/tiff" and (".tif" in url or ".tiff" in "url"): # mime = "image/tiff; subtype=geotiff" # # All the various XML schemes # TODO # If unrecognized, default to the first supported mimetype if mime is None: mime = supported[0] else: if mime not in supported: raise ValueError(f"mimetype {mime} not in supported mimetypes {supported}.") return mime, enc