Source code for birdy.client.utils

# noqa: D100, D101, D102

import datetime as dt
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import dateutil.parser
from owslib.wps import ComplexDataInput

from ..utils import is_file, sanitize

[docs] def filter_case_insensitive(names, complete_list): """Filter a sequence of process names into a `known` and `unknown` list.""" contained = [] missing = [] complete_list_lower = set(map(str.lower, complete_list)) if isinstance(names, str): names = [ names, ] for name in names: if name.lower() in complete_list_lower: contained.append(name) else: missing.append(name) return contained, missing
[docs] def pretty_repr(obj, linebreaks=True): """Output pretty repr for an Output. Parameters ---------- obj : any type linebreaks : bool If True, split attributes with linebreaks """ class_name = obj.__class__.__name__ try: obj = obj._asdict() # convert namedtuple to dict except AttributeError: pass try: items = list(obj.items()) except AttributeError: try: items = list(obj.__dict__.items()) except AttributeError: return repr(obj) attributes = [] indent = " " if linebreaks else "" for key, value in items: value = pretty_repr(value, linebreaks=False) attributes.append(f"{indent}{key}={value}") attribute_joiner = ",\n" if linebreaks else ", " attributes = attribute_joiner.join(attributes) joiner = "\n" if linebreaks else "" return joiner.join([class_name + "(", attributes, ")"])
[docs] def build_wps_client_doc(wps, processes): """Create WPSClient docstring. Parameters ---------- wps : owslib.wps.WebProcessingService processes : Dict[str, owslib.wps.Process] Returns ------- str The formatted docstring for this WPSClient """ doc = [wps.identification.abstract or "", "", "Processes", "---------", ""] for process_name, process in list(processes.items()): sanitized_name = sanitize(process_name) description = "{name}\n {abstract}".format( name=sanitized_name, abstract=process.abstract or "(No description)" ) doc.append(description) doc.append("") if not processes: doc.append("There aren't any available processes.") doc.append("\n") return "\n".join(doc)
[docs] def build_process_doc(process): """Create docstring from process metadata.""" doc = [process.abstract or "", ""] # Inputs if process.dataInputs: doc.append("Parameters") doc.append("----------") for i in process.dataInputs: doc.append(f"{sanitize(i.identifier)} : {format_type(i)}") doc.append(f" {i.abstract or i.title}") # if i.metadata: # doc[-1] += " ({})".format(', '.join(['`{} <{}>`_'.format(m.title, m.href) for m in i.metadata])) doc.append("") # Outputs if process.processOutputs: doc.append("Returns") doc.append("-------") for i in process.processOutputs: doc.append(f"{sanitize(i.identifier)} : {format_type(i)}") doc.append(f" {i.abstract or i.title}") doc.append("") return "\n".join(doc)
[docs] def format_type(obj): """Create docstring entry for input parameter from an OWSlib object.""" nmax = 10 doc = "" try: if getattr(obj, "allowedValues", None): av = ", ".join([f"'{i}'" for i in obj.allowedValues[:nmax]]) if len(obj.allowedValues) > nmax: av += ", ..." doc += "{" + av + "}" if getattr(obj, "dataType", None): doc += obj.dataType if getattr(obj, "supportedValues", None): doc += ", ".join( [ ":mimetype:`{}`".format(getattr(f, "mimeType", f)) for f in obj.supportedValues ] ) if getattr(obj, "crss", None): crss = ", ".join(obj.crss[:nmax]) if len(obj.crss) > nmax: crss += ", ..." doc += "[" + crss + "]" if getattr(obj, "minOccurs", None) and obj.minOccurs == 0: doc += ", optional" if getattr(obj, "default", None): doc += f", default:{obj.defaultValue}" if getattr(obj, "uoms", None): doc += ", units:[{}]".format(", ".join([u.uom for u in obj.uoms])) except Exception as e: raise type(e)(f"{e} (in {obj.identifier} docstring)") return doc
[docs] def is_embedded_in_request(url, value): """Whether or not to encode the value as raw data content. Returns True if - value is a file:/// URI or a local path - value is a File-like instance - url is not localhost - value is a File object - value is already the string content """ if hasattr(value, "read"): # File-like return True u = urlparse(url) if isinstance(value, Path): # pathlib.Path p = value scheme = "file" else: # String-like v = urlparse(value) p = Path(v.path) scheme = v.scheme if scheme == "file": # Explicit link to file if is_file(p): return "localhost" not in u.netloc else: raise OSError(f"{value} should be a local file but was not found on disk.") elif scheme == "": # Could be a local path or just a string if is_file(p): return "localhost" not in u.netloc else: return True else: # Other URL (http, https, ftp, ...) return False
[docs] def to_owslib(value, data_type, encoding=None, mimetype=None, schema=None): """Convert value into OWSlib objects.""" # owslib only accepts literaldata, complexdata and boundingboxdata if data_type == "ComplexData": return ComplexDataInput( value, encoding=encoding, mimeType=mimetype, schema=schema ) if data_type == "BoundingBoxData": # TODO: return BoundingBoxDataInput(data=value, crs=crs, dimensions=2) return value else: # LiteralData return str(value)
[docs] def from_owslib(value, data_type): """Convert a string into another data type.""" if value is None: return None if "string" in data_type: pass elif "integer" in data_type: value = int(value) elif "float" in data_type: value = float(value) elif "boolean" in data_type: value = bool(value) elif "dateTime" in data_type: value = dateutil.parser.parse(value) elif "time" in data_type: value = dateutil.parser.parse(value).time() elif "date" in data_type: value = dateutil.parser.parse(value).date() elif "angle" in data_type: value = float(value) elif "ComplexData" in data_type: value = ComplexDataInput(value) elif "BoundingBoxData" in data_type: pass # value = BoundingBoxDataInput(value) return value
[docs] def py_type(data_type): """Return the python data type matching the WPS dataType.""" if data_type is None: return None if "string" in data_type: return str elif "integer" in data_type: return int elif "float" in data_type: return float elif "boolean" in data_type: return bool elif "dateTime" in data_type: return dt.datetime elif "time" in data_type: return dt.time elif "date" in data_type: return elif "angle" in data_type: return float elif "ComplexData" in data_type: return str elif "BoundingBoxData" in data_type: return str
[docs] def extend_instance(obj, cls): """Apply mixins to a class instance after creation.""" base_cls = obj.__class__ base_cls_name = obj.__class__.__name__ obj.__class__ = type(base_cls_name, (cls, base_cls), {})
[docs] def add_output_format(output_dictionary, output_identifier, as_ref=None, mimetype=None): """Add an output format to an already existing dictionary. Parameters ---------- output_dictionary: dict The dictionary (created with create_output_dictionary()) to which this output format will be added. output_identifier: str Identifier of the output. as_ref: True, False or None Determines if this output will be returned as a reference or not. None for process default. mimetype: str or None If the process supports multiple MIME types, it can be specified with this argument. None for process default. """ output_dictionary[output_identifier] = { "as_ref": as_ref, "mimetype": mimetype, }
[docs] def create_output_dictionary(output_identifier, as_ref=None, mimetype=None): """Create an output format dictionary. Parameters ---------- output_identifier: str Identifier of the output. as_ref: True, False or None Determines if this output will be returned as a reference or not. None for process default. mimetype: str or None If the process supports multiple MIME types, it can be specified with this argument. None for process default. Returns ------- output_dictionary: dict """ output_dictionary = { output_identifier: { "as_ref": as_ref, "mimetype": mimetype, } } return output_dictionary