Source code for birdy.client.notebook

# noqa: D100

import threading

from owslib.wps import Input

from birdy.dependencies import IPython
from birdy.dependencies import ipywidgets as widgets
from birdy.utils import sanitize

from . import utils

# from traitlets import Dict, Unicode

[docs] def is_notebook(): """Return whether or not this function is executed in a notebook environment.""" if not IPython: return False try: shell = IPython.get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type (?) except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
[docs] def gui(func): """Return a Notebook form to enter input values and launch process.""" if func.__self__._notebook: return Form(func) else: raise NotImplementedError( "The interactive notebook form is only available in a notebook." )
[docs] class Form: """Create notebook form to launch WPS process.""" def __init__(self, func): self.result = None wps = func.__self__ pid = = [ k for k in wps._processes.keys() if sanitize(k) == func.__name__ ][0] self.process = wps._processes[pid] inputs = list(wps._inputs[pid].items()) outputs = list(wps._outputs[pid].items()) # Create widgets iw = self.input_widgets(inputs) ofw = self.output_formats_widgets(outputs) go = widgets.Button( description="Launch process", layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%"), button_style="success", ) out = widgets.Output() # Interaction logic def execute(change): """Execute callback when "Launch process" button is clicked.""" go.disabled = True of = self.output_format_widget_values(ofw) if of: of = {"output_formats": of} kwargs = {**self.input_widget_values(iw), **of} with out: self.result = func(**kwargs) # Connect callback to button go.on_click(execute) # Create GUI ui = self.build_ui(iw, ofw, go) IPython.display(ui, out)
[docs] def get(self, asobj=False): """Return the process response outputs. Parameters ---------- asobj: bool If True, object_converters will be used. """ # Mimicks the `WPSResult.get` method, to provide a consistent look and feel to all user interfaces. if self.result is None: raise ValueError("The process has not yet been executed.") return self.result.get(asobj)
[docs] def input_widgets(self, inputs): """Return input parameter widgets.""" return {sanitize(key): input2widget(inpt) for key, inpt in inputs}
[docs] def input_widget_values(self, widgets): """Return values from input widgets.""" return {k: v.value for (k, v) in widgets.items()}
[docs] def output_formats_widgets(self, outputs): """Return output formats parameter widgets for ComplexData outputs that have multiple supported formats.""" of = {} style = {"description_width": "initial"} if any( [ o.dataType == "ComplexData" and len(o.supportedValues) > 1 for (key, o) in outputs ] ): for key, output in outputs: if hasattr(output, "supportedValues"): of[key] = widgets.RadioButtons( options=[o.mimeType for o in output.supportedValues], description=output.title, description_tooltip=output.abstract, style=style, ) return of
[docs] def output_format_widget_values(self, widgets): """Return the `output_formats` dict from output_formats widgets.""" out = {} for key, val in widgets.items(): utils.add_output_format( out, output_identifier=sanitize(key), mimetype=val.value, as_ref=True ) if out: return out return {}
[docs] def build_ui(self, input_widgets, of_widgets, go): """Create the form.""" iw = list(input_widgets.values()) ofw = list(of_widgets.values()) header = widgets.Button( description=self.process.abstract or self.process.identifier, layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%"), ) header = widgets.HTML( value=f"<h3>{self.process.abstract or self.process.identifier}</h3>" ) input_header = widgets.HTML(value="<h4>Input parameters</h4>") widgets.Label("Input parameters") inputs = widgets.VBox([input_header, widgets.VBox(iw)]) if len(ofw) > 0: widgets.Label("Complex outputs format") outputs_header = widgets.HTML(value="<h4>Complex outputs format</h4>") outputs = widgets.VBox([outputs_header, widgets.VBox(ofw)]) else: outputs = None ui = widgets.AppLayout( header=header, left_sidebar=inputs, right_sidebar=outputs, footer=go ) return ui
[docs] def monitor(execution, sleep=3): """Monitor the execution of a process using a notebook progress bar widget. Parameters ---------- execution : WPSExecution instance The execute response to monitor. sleep: float Number of seconds to wait before each status check. """ progress = widgets.IntProgress( value=0, min=0, max=100, step=1, description="Processing:", bar_style="info", orientation="horizontal", ) cancel = widgets.Button( description="Cancel", button_style="danger", disabled=False, tooltip="Send `dismiss` request to WPS server.", ) def cancel_handler(b): b.value = True b.disabled = True progress.description = "Interrupted" # TODO: Send dismiss signal to server cancel.value = False cancel.on_click(cancel_handler) box = widgets.HBox( [progress, cancel], layout=widgets.Layout(justify_content="space-between") ) IPython.display.display(box) def check(execution, progress, cancel): while not execution.isComplete() and not cancel.value: execution.checkStatus(sleepSecs=sleep) progress.value = execution.percentCompleted if execution.isSucceded(): progress.value = 100 cancel.disabled = True progress.bar_style = "success" progress.description = "Complete" else: progress.bar_style = "danger" thread = threading.Thread(target=check, args=(execution, progress, cancel)) thread.start()
[docs] def input2widget(inpt): """Return a Notebook widget to enter values for the input.""" if not isinstance(inpt, Input): raise ValueError typ = inpt.dataType opt = inpt.allowedValues # String default default = inpt.defaultValue # Object default odefault = utils.from_owslib(inpt.defaultValue, inpt.dataType) style = {"description_width": "initial"} layout = {} kwds = dict( description=inpt.title, description_tooltip=inpt.abstract, style=style, layout=layout, ) if opt: vopt = [utils.from_owslib(o, typ) for o in opt] if inpt.maxOccurs == 1: if len(opt) < 3: out = widgets.RadioButtons(options=vopt, **kwds) else: out = widgets.Dropdown(options=vopt, **kwds) else: out = widgets.SelectMultiple( options=vopt, value=[inpt.defaultValue], description=inpt.title ) elif typ.endswith("float"): out = widgets.FloatText(value=odefault, **kwds) elif typ.endswith("boolean"): out = widgets.Checkbox(value=odefault, **kwds) elif typ.endswith("integer"): out = widgets.IntText(value=odefault, **kwds) elif typ.endswith("positiveInteger"): out = widgets.BoundedIntText(value=odefault, min=1e-16, **kwds) elif typ.endswith("nonNegativeInteger"): out = widgets.BoundedIntText(value=odefault, min=0, **kwds) elif typ.endswith("string"): out = widgets.Text(value=odefault, placeholder=inpt.abstract, **kwds) elif typ.endswith("anyURI"): out = widgets.Text(value=odefault, placeholder=inpt.abstract, **kwds) elif typ.endswith("time"): out = widgets.Text(value=default, placeholder="YYYY-MM-DD", **kwds) elif typ.endswith("date"): out = widgets.Text(value=default, placeholder="hh-mm-ss", **kwds) elif typ.endswith("dateTime"): out = widgets.Text(value=default, placeholder="YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ss", **kwds) elif typ.endswith("angle"): out = widgets.BoundedFloatText(min=0, max=360, **kwds) elif typ.endswith("ComplexData"): out = widgets.Text(description=inpt.title) else: raise AttributeError(f"Data type not recognized {typ}") return out
[docs] def output2widget(output): """Return notebook widget based on output mime-type.""" pass