Source code for birdy.client.base

# noqa: D100

import logging
import types
from collections import OrderedDict
from textwrap import dedent
from warnings import warn

import owslib
import packaging.version
import requests
import requests.auth
from boltons.funcutils import FunctionBuilder
from owslib.util import ServiceException
from owslib.wps import (

from birdy.client import notebook, utils
from birdy.client.outputs import WPSResult
from birdy.exceptions import UnauthorizedException
from birdy.utils import embed, fix_url, guess_type, sanitize

# TODO: Support passing ComplexInput's data using POST.
[docs] class WPSClient: """Returns a class where every public method is a WPS process available at the given url. Examples -------- >>> emu = WPSClient(url='<server url>') >>> emu.hello('stranger') 'Hello stranger' """ def __init__( self, url, processes=None, converters=None, username=None, password=None, headers=None, auth=None, verify=True, cert=None, progress=False, version=WPS_DEFAULT_VERSION, caps_xml=None, desc_xml=None, language=None, lineage=False, **kwds, ): """Initialize WPSClient. Parameters ---------- url: str Link to WPS provider. config (Config): an instance processes: Specify a subset of processes to bind. Defaults to all processes. converters: dict Correspondence of {mimetype: class} to convert this mimetype to a python object. username: str passed to :class:`owslib.wps.WebProcessingService` password: str passed to :class:`owslib.wps.WebProcessingService` headers: str passed to :class:`owslib.wps.WebProcessingService` auth: requests.auth.AuthBase requests-style auth class to authenticate. see verify: bool passed to :class:`owslib.wps.WebProcessingService` cert: str passed to :class:`owslib.wps.WebProcessingService` verbose: bool Deprecated. passed to :class:`owslib.wps.WebProcessingService` for owslib < 0.29 progress: bool If True, enable interactive user mode. version: str WPS version to use. language: str passed to :class:`owslib.wps.WebProcessingService` (ex: 'fr-CA', 'en_US'). lineage: bool If True, the Execute operation includes lineage information. """ self._converters = converters self._interactive = progress self._mode = ASYNC if progress else SYNC self._lineage = lineage self._notebook = notebook.is_notebook() self._inputs = {} self._outputs = {} if not verify: import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) if headers is None: headers = {} if auth is not None: if isinstance(auth, tuple) and len(auth) == 2: # special-case basic HTTP auth auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(*auth) # We only need some headers from the requests.auth.AuthBase implementation # We prepare a dummy request, call the auth object with it, and get its headers dummy_request = requests.Request("get", "http://localhost") r = auth(dummy_request.prepare()) auth_headers = ["Authorization", "Proxy-Authorization", "Cookie"] headers.update({h: r.headers[h] for h in auth_headers if h in r.headers}) if "verbose" in kwds: if packaging.version.parse(owslib.__version__) >= packaging.version.parse( "0.29.0" ): kwds.pop("verbose") warn( "The 'verbose' keyword is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Starting with owslib " "0.29.0, debugging information is logged instead of printed.", DeprecationWarning, ) self._wps = WebProcessingService( url, version=version, username=username, password=password, headers=headers, verify=verify, cert=cert, skip_caps=True, language=language, **kwds, ) try: self._wps.getcapabilities(xml=caps_xml) except ServiceException as e: if "AccessForbidden" in str(e): raise UnauthorizedException( "You are not authorized to do a request of type: GetCapabilities" ) raise self._processes = self._get_process_description(processes, xml=desc_xml) # Build the methods for pid in self._processes: setattr( self, sanitize(pid), types.MethodType(self._method_factory(pid), self) ) self.logger = logging.getLogger("WPSClient") if progress: self._setup_logging() self.__doc__ = utils.build_wps_client_doc(self._wps, self._processes) @property def language(self): # noqa: D102 return self._wps.language @language.setter def language(self, value): # noqa: D102 self._wps.language = value @property def languages(self): # noqa: D102 return self._wps.languages
[docs] def _get_process_description(self, processes=None, xml=None): """Return the description for each process. Sends the server a `describeProcess` request for each process. Parameters ---------- processes: str, list, None A process name, a list of process names or None (for all processes). Returns ------- OrderedDict A dictionary keyed by the process identifier of process descriptions. """ all_wps_processes = [p.identifier for p in self._wps.processes] if processes is None: try: # Get the description for all processes in one request. ps = self._wps.describeprocess("all", xml=xml) return OrderedDict((p.identifier, p) for p in ps) except (ServiceException, ValueError): processes = all_wps_processes # Check for invalid process names, i.e. not matching the getCapabilities response. process_names, missing = utils.filter_case_insensitive( processes, all_wps_processes ) if missing: message = "These process names were not found on the WPS server: {}" raise ValueError(message.format(", ".join(missing))) # Get the description for each process. ps = [self._wps.describeprocess(pid, xml=xml) for pid in process_names] return OrderedDict((p.identifier, p) for p in ps)
[docs] def _setup_logging(self): self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) import sys fh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(message)s")) self.logger.addHandler(fh)
[docs] def _method_factory(self, pid): """Create a custom function signature with docstring, instantiate it and pass it to a wrapper. The wrapper will call the process on reception. Parameters ---------- pid: str Identifier of the WPS process. Returns ------- func A Python function calling the remote process, complete with docstring and signature. """ process = self._processes[pid] required_inputs_first = sorted(process.dataInputs, key=sort_inputs_key) input_names = [] # defaults will be set to the function's __defaults__: # A tuple containing default argument values for those arguments that have defaults, # or None if no arguments have a default value. defaults = [] # Set process inputs for inpt in required_inputs_first: input_names.append(sanitize(inpt.identifier)) if inpt.minOccurs == 0 or inpt.defaultValue is not None: default = inpt.defaultValue if inpt.dataType != "ComplexData" else None defaults.append(utils.from_owslib(default, inpt.dataType)) # Set generic 'output_formats' input, only if one of the output is a ComplexData. for o in process.processOutputs: if o.dataType == "ComplexData": if len(o.supportedValues) > 1: input_names.append("output_formats") defaults.append(None) break # convert defaults defaults = tuple(defaults) # if defaults else None body = dedent( """ inputs = locals() inputs.pop('self') return self._execute('{pid}', **inputs) """ ).format(pid=pid) func_builder = FunctionBuilder( name=sanitize(pid), doc=utils.build_process_doc(process), args=["self"] + input_names, defaults=defaults, body=body, filename=__file__, module=self.__module__, ) self._inputs[pid] = {} if hasattr(process, "dataInputs"): self._inputs[pid] = OrderedDict( (i.identifier, i) for i in process.dataInputs ) self._outputs[pid] = {} if hasattr(process, "processOutputs"): self._outputs[pid] = OrderedDict( (o.identifier, o) for o in process.processOutputs ) func = func_builder.get_func() return func
[docs] def _build_inputs(self, pid, **kwargs): """Build the input sequence from the function arguments.""" wps_inputs = [] for name, input_param in list(self._inputs[pid].items()): arg = kwargs.get(sanitize(name)) if arg is None: continue values = ( [ arg, ] if not isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)) else arg ) supported_mimetypes = [v.mimeType for v in input_param.supportedValues] for value in values: # if input_param.dataType == "ComplexData": seems simpler if isinstance(input_param.defaultValue, ComplexData): # Guess the mimetype of the input value mimetype, encoding = guess_type(value, supported_mimetypes) if encoding is None: encoding = input_param.defaultValue.encoding if isinstance(value, ComplexData): inp = value # Either embed the file content or just the reference. else: if utils.is_embedded_in_request(self._wps.url, value): # If encoding is None, this will return the actual encoding used (utf-8 or base64). value, encoding = embed(value, mimetype, encoding=encoding) else: value = fix_url(str(value)) inp = utils.to_owslib( value, data_type=input_param.dataType, encoding=encoding, mimetype=mimetype, ) else: inp = utils.to_owslib(value, data_type=input_param.dataType) wps_inputs.append((name, inp)) return wps_inputs
[docs] def _parse_output_formats(self, outputs): """Parse an output format dictionary into a list of tuples, as required by wps.execute().""" if outputs: output_dict = [] for key, values in outputs.items(): output_dict.append((key, values["as_ref"], values["mimetype"])) return output_dict else: return None
[docs] def _execute(self, pid, **kwargs): """Execute the process.""" wps_inputs = self._build_inputs(pid, **kwargs) wps_outputs = self._parse_output_formats(kwargs.get("output_formats", {})) if not wps_outputs: wps_outputs = [ (o.identifier, "ComplexData" in o.dataType) for o in list(self._outputs[pid].values()) ] mode = self._mode if self._processes[pid].storeSupported else SYNC try: wps_response = self._wps.execute( pid, inputs=wps_inputs, output=wps_outputs, mode=mode, lineage=self._lineage, ) if self._interactive and self._processes[pid].statusSupported: if self._notebook: notebook.monitor(wps_response, sleep=0.2) else: self._console_monitor(wps_response) except ServiceException as e: if "AccessForbidden" in str(e): raise UnauthorizedException( "You are not authorized to do a request of type: Execute" ) raise # Add the convenience methods of WPSResult to the WPSExecution class. This adds a `get` method. utils.extend_instance(wps_response, WPSResult) wps_response.attach(wps_outputs=self._outputs[pid], converters=self._converters) return wps_response
[docs] def _console_monitor(self, execution, sleep=3): """Monitor the execution of a process. Parameters ---------- execution : WPSExecution instance The execute response to monitor. sleep: float Number of seconds to wait before each status check. """ import signal # Intercept CTRL-C def sigint_handler(signum, frame): self.cancel() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) while not execution.isComplete(): execution.checkStatus(sleepSecs=sleep) "{} [{}/100] - {} ".format( execution.process.identifier, execution.percentCompleted, execution.statusMessage[:50], ) ) if execution.isSucceded():"{execution.process.identifier} done.") else:"{execution.process.identifier} failed.")
[docs] def sort_inputs_key(i): """Key function for sorting process inputs. The order is: - Inputs that have minOccurs >= 1 and no default value - Inputs that have minOccurs >= 1 and a default value - Every other input Parameters ---------- i: owslib.wps.Input An owslib Input Notes ----- The defaultValue for ComplexData is ComplexData instance specifying mimetype, encoding and schema. """ conditions = [ i.minOccurs >= 1 and (i.defaultValue is None or isinstance(i.defaultValue, ComplexData)), i.minOccurs >= 1, i.minOccurs == 0, ] return [not c for c in conditions] # False values are sorted first
[docs] def nb_form(wps, pid): """Return a Notebook form to enter input values and launch process.""" if wps._notebook: return notebook.interact( func=getattr(wps, sanitize(pid)), inputs=list(wps._inputs[pid].items()), outputs=list(wps._outputs[pid].items()), ) else: return None