Source code for birdy.cli.base

# noqa: D100

import os
from collections import OrderedDict

import click
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
from owslib.wps import WebProcessingService
from requests.exceptions import SSLError

from birdy.cli.misc import get_ssl_verify
from birdy.cli.types import COMPLEX
from birdy.exceptions import ConnectionError

template_env = Environment(
    loader=PackageLoader("birdy", "templates"),

[docs] class BirdyCLI(click.MultiCommand): """BirdyCLI is an implementation of :class:`click.MultiCommand`. Adds each process of a Web Processing Service as command to the command-line interface. Parameters ---------- url: str URL of the Web Processing Service. caps_xml: str A WPS GetCapabilities response for testing. desc_xml: str A WPS DescribeProcess response with "identifier=all" for testing. """ def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, caps_xml=None, desc_xml=None, **attrs): click.MultiCommand.__init__(self, name, **attrs) self.url = os.environ.get("WPS_SERVICE") or url self.verify = get_ssl_verify() self.caps_xml = caps_xml self.desc_xml = desc_xml self._wps = None self.commands = OrderedDict() @property def wps(self): # noqa: D102 if self._wps is None: language = self.context_settings["obj"].get("language") self._wps = WebProcessingService( self.url, verify=self.verify, skip_caps=True, language=language ) return self._wps
[docs] def _update_commands(self): # noqa: D102 if not self.commands: try: self.wps.getcapabilities(xml=self.caps_xml) except SSLError: raise ConnectionError( "SSL verfication of server certificate failed. Set WPS_SSL_VERIFY=false." ) except Exception as e: raise ConnectionError( f"Could not connect to Web Processing Service ({e!r})" ) for process in self.wps.processes: self.commands[process.identifier] = dict( name=process.identifier, url=self.wps.url, version=process.processVersion, help=BirdyCLI.format_command_help(process), options=[], )
[docs] def list_commands(self, ctx): # noqa: D102 self._update_commands() return list(self.commands.keys())
[docs] def get_command(self, ctx, name): # noqa: D102 self._update_commands() cmd_templ = template_env.get_template("") rendered_cmd = cmd_templ.render(self._get_command_info(name, ctx)) ns = {} code = compile(rendered_cmd, filename="<string>", mode="exec") eval(code, ns, ns) return ns["cli"]
[docs] def _get_command_info(self, name, ctx): # noqa: D102 cmd = self.commands.get(name) pp = self.wps.describeprocess(name, xml=self.desc_xml) for inp in pp.dataInputs: help = inp.title or "" default = BirdyCLI.get_param_default(inp) if default: help = f"{help}. Default: {default}" cmd["options"].append( dict( name=inp.identifier.replace(" ", "-"), # default=BirdyCLI.get_param_default(inp), help=help, type=BirdyCLI.get_param_type(inp), multiple=inp.maxOccurs > 1, ) ) outputs = [] for output in pp.processOutputs: outputs.append( (output.identifier, BirdyCLI.get_param_type(output) is COMPLEX) ) return cmd
[docs] @staticmethod def format_command_help(process): # noqa: D102 return "{}: {}".format( process.title or process.identifier, process.abstract or "" )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_param_default(param): # noqa: D102 if "ComplexData" in param.dataType: # TODO: get default value of complex type default = None elif "BoundingBoxData" in param.dataType: # TODO: get default value of bbox default = None else: default = getattr(param, "defaultValue", None) return default
[docs] @staticmethod def get_param_type(param): # noqa: D102 if param.dataType is None: param_type = click.STRING elif "boolean" in param.dataType: param_type = click.BOOL elif "integer" in param.dataType: param_type = click.INT elif "float" in param.dataType: param_type = click.FLOAT elif "ComplexData" in param.dataType: param_type = COMPLEX else: param_type = click.STRING return param_type